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User Trophies API


A call to this function will retrieve a summary of the trophies earned for a user broken down by trophy group within a title. A title can have multiple groups of trophies (a "default" group which all titles have, and additional groups beginning with the name "001" and incrementing for each additional group).

The numeric accountId can be that of any PSN account for which your authentication context has permissions to view.

When querying the titles associated with yourself (the authentication context), the numeric accountId can be substituted with "me". To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.

Only the earned status of the trophy is returned. No additional descriptive metadata (ie. trophy name, trophy description) is given. Use getTitleTrophies() to obtain this information.

When the title platform is PS3, PS4, or PS Vita you must specify the npServiceName option as "trophy".

If you attempt to query a title which the user does not have associated with their account (ie. the title has not been launched and allowed to sync at least once), then a Resource Not Found error will be thrown.


Get your summarized trophies for a PS3 game

import { getUserSummarizedTophiesByTrophyGroup } from "psn-api";

const response = await getUserSummarizedTrophiesByTrophyGroup(
"NPWR00867_00", // Red Dead Redemption
{ npServiceName: "trophy" }

Get your summarized trophies for a PS5 game

import { getUserSummarizedTrophiesByTrophyGroup } from "psn-api";

const response = await getUserSummarizedTrophiesByTrophyGroup(
"NPWR20188_00" // Astro's Playroom


trophySetVersionstringThe current version of the trophy set. Some trophy sets receive updates from the developer.
hiddenFlagbooleantrue is the title has been hidden on the account's trophy list. This applies only to the current authentication context. The title will not be returned if it has been hidden on another account.
progressnumberThe account's percentage of trophies earned for the title.
earnedTrophiesTrophyCountsThe account's number of earned trophies for the title by grade.
trophyGroupsTrophyGroupEarnings[]The trophy group entities for the individual trophy groups earned.
lastUpdatedDateTimestringAn ISO 8601 string representing the date the title progress was updated (such as when a trophy was earned for a group). ex- "2021-08-15T21:22:08Z"


authorizationAuthorizationPayloadAn object that must contain an accessToken. See this page for how to get one.
accountIdstringThe account whose trophy list is being retrieved. Use "me" for the authenticating account. To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.
npCommunicationIdstringThe unique ID of the game title you wish to retrieve the summarized user trophy group earnings for.
optionsGetUserSummarizedTrophiesByTrophyGroupOptionsMost often used to specify an npServiceName if you're retrieving entities belonging to a non-PS5 title. Can also be used for pagination and/or localization options (see Options section below).


npServiceName"trophy" | "trophy2""trophy" is required for titles belonging to the PS3, PS4, or PS Vita platforms. "trophy2" is used for the PS5 platform, but is optional.
headerOverridesCallValidHeadersOverride the headers in the request to the PSN API, such as to change the language.




A call to this function will retrieve the earned status of trophies for a user from either a single - or all - trophy groups in a title. A title can have multiple groups of trophies (a "default" group which all titles have, and additional groups starting with a name of "001" and incrementing for each additional group). To retrieve trophies from all groups within a title (ie. the full trophy set), trophyGroupId should be set to "all".

The numeric accountId can be that of any PSN account for which the authenticating account has permissions to view the trophy list. When querying the titles associated with the authenticating account, the numeric accountId can be substituted with "me". To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.

Included in the information returned is the titles' unique npCommunicationId. This is required to make use of subsequent functions for requesting more specific detail about a title's trophies.

The results are presented in order of the lastUpdatedDateTime for the title, so the first result will be the title for which a trophy was most recently earned (or synced for the first time in the case of a game with 0% progress).


Get your complete game list from PSN

import { getUserTitles } from "psn-api";

const response = await getUserTitles(authorization, "me");


trophyTitlesTrophyTitle[]The list of games played by the user.
totalItemCountnumberThe number of TrophyTitle entities returned from the PSN API.


authorizationAuthorizationPayloadAn object that must contain an accessToken. See this page for how to get one.
accountIdstringThe account whose title list is being retrieved. Use "me" for the authenticating account. To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.
optionsGetUserTitlesOptionsUsed for pagination and/or localization options (see Options section below).


headerOverridesCallValidHeadersOverride the headers in the request to the PSN API, such as to change the language.
limitnumberLimit the number of trophies returned.
offsetnumberReturn trophy data from this result onwards.




A call to this function will retrieve the earned status of trophies for a user from either a single - or all - trophy groups in a title. A title can have multiple groups of trphies (a "default" group which all titles have, and additional groups starting with a name of "001" and incrementing for each additional group). To retrieve trophies from all groups within a title (ie. the full trophy set), then trophyGroupId should be set to "all".

The numeric accountId can be that of any PSN account for which the authenticating account has permissions to view the trophy list. When querying the titles associated with the authenticating account, the numeric accountId can be substituted with "me". To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.

This function returns the earned status of the trophy only and no additional descriptive metadata (ie. trophy name, trophy description). Use getTitleTrophies() to obtain this information.

When the title platform is PS3, PS4, or PS Vita, you must specify the npServiceName option as "trophy".

If you attempt to query a title which the user does not have associated with their account (ie. the title has not been launched and allowed to sync at least once), then a Resource Not Found error will be thrown.


Get your list of earned trophies for a PS3 game

import { getUserTrophiesEarnedForTitle } from "psn-api";

const response = getUserTrophiesEarnedForTitle(
"NPWR00867_00", // Red Dead Redemption
{ npServiceName: "trophy" }

Get your list of earned trophies for a PS5 game

import { getUserTrophiesEarnedForTitle } from "psn-api";

const response = getUserTrophiesEarnedForTitle(
"NPWR20188_00", // Astro's Playroom


trophySetVersionstringThe current version of the trophy set. Some trophy sets receive updates from the developer.
hasTrophyGroupsbooleantrue if this title has additional trophy groups beyond the required "default" group.
lastUpdatedDateTimestringAn ISO 8601 string representing the date of the user's most recent trophy earned for the title. ex- "2021-08-15T21:22:08Z"
trophiesUserThinTrophy[]Individual object for each trophy.
totalItemCountnumberTotal trophies in the group (or total trophies for the title if "all" is specified).
rarestTrophiesRarestThinTrophy[]An array which contains the trophy where earned is true with the lowest trophyEarnedRate. If multiple trophies have the same trophyEarnedRate, the array contains those trophies instead of just a single trophy. It contains nothing if no trophies are earned.


authorizationAuthorizationPayloadAn object that must contain an accessToken. See this page for how to get one.
accountIdstringThe account whose title list is being retrieved. Use "me" for the authenticating account.
npCommunicationIdstringThe unique ID of the game title you wish to retrieve the summarized user trophy group earnings for.
optionsGetUserTrophiesEarnedForTitleOptionsMost often used to specify an npServiceName if you're retrieving entities belonging to a non-PS5 title. Can also be used for pagination and/or localization options (see Options section below).


npServiceName"trophy" | "trophy2""trophy" is required for titles belonging to the PS3, PS4, or PS Vita platforms. "trophy2" is used for the PS5 platform, but is optional.
headerOverridesCallValidHeadersOverride the headers in the request to the PSN API, such as to change the language.
limitnumberLimit the number of trophies returned.
offsetnumberReturn trophy data from this result onwards.




A call to this function will retrieve an overall summary of the number of trophies earned for a user broken down by grade, as well as their current overall trophy level, progress towards the next level, and which tier their current level falls in to. The tiers are based on the level changes introduced in 2020.

The numeric accountId can be that of any PSN account for which the authenticating account has permissions to view the trophy list.

When querying the titles associated with the authenticating account, the numeric accountId can be substituted with "me". To find a user's accountId, the makeUniversalSearch() function can be used.


Get your profile summary

import { getUserTrophyProfileSummary } from "psn-api";

const response = await getUserTrophyProfileSummary(authorization, "me");


accountIdstringThe ID of the account being accessed.
trophyLevelstringThe account's overall trophy level.
progressnumberThe account's percentage progress towards the next trophy level.
tiernumberThe tier this user's trophy level is in, ranging from 1 to 10.
earnedTrophiesTrophyCountsThe account's number of earned trophies by grade.


authorizationAuthorizationPayloadAn object that must contain an accessToken. See this page for how to get one.
accountIdstringThe account whose title list is being retrieved. Use "me" for the authenticating account.
optionsGetUserTrophyProfileSummaryOptionsUsed for localization options (see Options section below).


headerOverridesCallValidHeadersOverride the headers in the request to the PSN API, such as to change the language.

